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US climate agency declares CO2 public danger

"Environmental Protection Agency declaration allows it to impose emissions cuts without agreement of reluctant Senate"

Category: Climate Change


Copenhagen summit urged to take climate change action

"Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen has described the UN climate summit in Copenhagen as an "opportunity the world cannot afford to miss"."

Category: Climate Change


Hopes of a deal remain high as climate talks open in Copenhagen

"UN and rich nations express confidence that a political deal is possible but the summit remains overshadowed by questions over climate aid and the science of global warming"

Category: Climate Change


Record solar plane's first 'hop'

"The Solar Impulse prototype plane, part of a planned solar-powered circumnavigation of the globe, has left the ground for the first time."


Underwater gliders: New weapon against climate change

"Battery-powered underwater glider known as the Scarlet Knight tracks temperature variations in the most inhospitable locations"

Displaying results 851 to 855 out of 2977